by Linda Castillo
I love the rain! The sound of the rain hitting the windows instantly puts me in a relaxed state. I enjoy walking outside to breathe in the fresh air, see the drops of rain on the plants and even take in the smell after a fresh rainfall. But for us California residents, this weekend’s rainfall is not going to make a much of a difference in the drought we are currently facing. A friend recently shared the following image from the LA Times reminding everyone just how serious the California drought is.

On a daily basis, we all need to be conscious of our water use and always remember it is a precious resource! For that reason, I wanted to share a few tips and resources to help your family save water. When conserving water be sure to get your kids involved too! It is important to teach our children early about the importance of protecting our planet and how water is a limited resource. My 3-year old daughter is always on patrol reminding her daddy to turn off the water when he is brushing his teeth. Remember that if everyone makes small changes it can make a big difference!
5 Simple Ways to Save Water
- Repair faucets and pipes that have leaks. Even a small drip can waste up to 20 gallons of water a day!
- Install water-saving showerheads and low-flow faucet aerators. This tip is the best home water conservation method and it is easy and affordable to do.
- Reuse water. Every bit of water should be used, even the ice cubes that fell to the floor. Instead of tossing ice cubes down the drain, try placing them in your household plants. Also, place vegetables in a bowl of water to rinse rather then running water to clean. You can also save the water from rinsing vegetables and boiling pasta to water your plants.
- Bathroom basics. Start taking a five-minute shower or even consider showering every other day. Also consider only flushing the toilet when you need to. Our rule (at least in the upstairs bathrooms) is “If it’s yellow let it mellow, if it’s brown flush it down.”
- When cleaning be mindful of your water use. Pick up a broom and sweep the backyard patio rather than hosing down with water. Make sure you fill the dishwasher and washing machine with a full load before running.
For more tips on how your family can conserve water visit the following resources:
- For kids visit:
Linda Castillo is the Founder and Executive Editor of She writes on topics that empower and inspire Latinas including art, motherhood, green living, culture, travel, and issues transforming the Latino community. Linda has earned a B.S. in Business and a M.S. in Mass Communications from San Jose State University.