

by Linda Castillo

Congratulations to BeVisible co-founder Andrea Guendelman and the BeVisible team for bringing #BeWokeSF to the Bay Area. BeVisible is a career network for Latinx to connect to peers, mentors, and resources — including recruiters from top universities and companies.

BeVisible created a truly vibrant experience combining technology, music and the professional world. Set in the unique three-story venue, The Pearl, attendees were able to dive into impactful conversations as they enjoyed food, drinks and the outdoor view of the city. The event’s lightning talks, panel discussions, mock interview and resume stations, provided an innovative format for Latinx attendees to leave with valuable insights, connections, and access to mentors for their professional development.

The event ended on such a high note with live performances by Smoked Out Soul, Afrolicious, and the unforgettable silent disco experience on the rooftop where everyone danced to their own beats as the sun set.

To learn more about BeVisible visit https://www.bevisible.soy.

Linda Castillo is the Founder and Executive Editor of www.ModernLatina.com. She writes on topics that empower and inspire Latinas including art, motherhood, green living, culture, travel, and issues transforming the Latino community. Linda has earned a B.S. in Business and a M.S. in Mass Communications from San Jose State University.