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Hoop Earrings Conversations with Laurie Vasquez Scolari

The YouTube channel “Hoop Earrings Conversations” was inspired by Dr. Laurie Vázquez Scolari’s experience navigating her career in the field of education. She shares how she struggled to adjust to a field steeped in a dominant culture that has never felt right and would find herself trying to code-switch into what she thought was expected of her. She never wore her hoop earrings to work early in her career, thinking they were unprofessional, yet they represented her and where she grew up. And today, the world has adjusted a bit, and hoops are commonplace. This internal struggle inspired the name of her YouTube channel. She has an entire episode focused on the fascinating history of hoop earrings and their connection to female empowerment – we love that!!

Having first-hand experience struggling to fit into a complicated system not designed for us, Laurie created this space for people to talk about being their authentic selves. Hoop Earrings Conversations is real talk about living authentically, personal development, self-empowerment, health and well-being, and everything in between.

Check out a few more of our favorite episodes below.

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