January is National Mentoring Month and on Saturday, January 23, 2016 there is a free mini-conference and mentor fair where you can learn more about how you can make a difference in our community by being someone who matters to a young person. At the conference, you’ll hear inspiring stories of mentors and mentees and how their relationship transformed them both. Then you’ll be able to speak directly with about a dozen different organizations that provide mentor support to kids of all ages and find the best fit for you.
Make a difference in your community and connect one-on-one with a child, teenager or young adult. We offer a wide variety of mentoring opportunities. What can be more rewarding than to have a positive impact on a young person? Find out more and come to South Bay Mentoring Coalition’s Mentoring Fair. You are the solution!
For more information or to register go to www.southbaymentoring.org or call 408-299-5030.
FREE Mentoring Fair – Saturday, Jan. 23
Doors open 9:30 am, Program: 10 am– 12:00 pm
County Government Center, 70 West Hedding Street, San Jose
Registration Requested: www.sccgov.org/mentoringconference
For more information contact 408-299-5030
Learn about mentoring opportunities with marginalized and vulnerable children and young adults:
- Alum Rock Counseling Center, www.alumrockcc.org
- Asian Americans for Community Involvement, www.AACI.org
- Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Bay Area, www.bbbsba.org
- Boldly Me, www.boldlyme.org
- Boys & Girls Club of Silicon Valley, www.bgclub.org
- Bright Futures, www.brightfuturessj.org
- Child Advocates of Silicon Valley, www.BeMyAdvocate.org
- Fresh Lifelines for Youth, www.flyprogram.org
- Southwest Key Programs, www.swkey.org/programs/mentoring
- Stand Up For Kids – Silicon Valley, www.standupforkids.org/siliconvalley
- Valley Health & Hospital—Alcohol & Drug Prevention,www.sccdads.org
- Youth Opportunity Mentoring Program, www.youthbuild.org
Other partners include the Catholic Diocese of San Jose and Kids in Common and event sponsored by Supervisor Dave Cortese.