by Angela Zapien
You might be wondering what defines a “Fit Mama”…Is she someone that wears a size two, has six pack abs, sleeps eight hours a night and is well organized in all areas of her life? Don’t we wish! Well, you’re in luck because that is not what defines a fit mama. A fit mama is a woman that takes pride in herself, her family and her home. She carries herself with dignity and respect. She accomplishes her goals. She simple enjoys life one day at a time.
When we brought our newborn son Maximus home my whole life changed! I kept thinking how am I going to clean, exercise, make time for my marriage and not be a stress ball. I remember I started to cry out of fear and anxiety! Here I was given this beautiful gift and I couldn’t even embrace it. I literally cried the whole day and evening. I even thought I had postpartum depression. When I woke up the next day staring at my son he gave me the happiness to get up and be better! I simply knew that I wanted to be a “Fit Mama” and I was going to get there! I was not going to be the type to be lazy, let my appearance go and carry the baby weight for years. I knew that I wanted to give Maximus my very best. I have to be energized, happy and ready to wake up everyday with a purpose.
Try these top tips to help and inspire you to be a Fit Mama! Not only will you be inspired but also your kids will be inspired by your positive changes.
- Organization – Invest in a quality day planner or an app for your smart phone. This helped me stay on track with my daily workouts, household chores, work projects, as well as writing in my daily, weekly, and monthly goals. When you write it down and it’s visible you’re more than likely to achieve the goal.
- Journal – Start journaling your progress in your fitness goals, writing down your food intake and your feelings (good/bad). You’re on a journey and it’s always good to go back and look at your progress.
- Exercise – Schedule a date with yourself EVERYDAY! Whether you are going to the gym,
bootcamp class or going for a run. Every Wednesday I meet with a group of moms and we head out to a local trail to walk 3 miles with our babies. It’s always a fun time because not only are we exercising but we are also supporting one another and setting a positive example to our children.
- Faith – This is very important to me because without my faith I wouldn’t be able to do anything. I wouldn’t have the strength and positive mindset. My family attends Jubilee Church and the days that we are unable to attend service we watch Joel Osteen on cable TV. My husband and I also attend a bi-weekly marriage class thru Jubilee Church. It really keeps our family grounded and I’m able to get tools to help me become a better wife, mother and woman.
- Family Time – At least once a week have a day or evening to simply spend quality time with your family. No social media, no cell phones at the table and simply engaging conversation with each other. You can also incorporate fitness into family time – Go for a walk, cook a healthy meal together and set a few goals.
Always remember we can’t do it all but what we can do is our very best! Being a “Fit Mama” is not about being a size two or keeping up with the Jones. It’s simply about doing what is BEST for our families and being strong and fearless!
Angela Zapien was born and raised in San Jose, CA. She currently resides in South San Jose with her husband Alex and their dog, Latte. She is the Fitness Coach for The Pink Ladies Boot Camp and is both TRX Certified and CPR Certified. Her hobbies include running, scrapbooking, reading, helping others and going to church.