Five Midnights by Ann Dávila Cardinal #ModernLatinaBookClub
We’re only a week away from Hallow’s Eve, and we have picked a frightening, fast-paced thriller for our next book of the month. Join the Modern Latina Book Club as we read Five Midnights by Puerto Rican novelist Ann Dávila Cardinal. Who’s in for a wicked read?
Grandes Dreamers
I can’t wait to receive a copy of Grandes Dreamers, written by Argelia Atilano and features the vivid art of Anna Alvarado for our family library. I know that my girls will be inspired by the 12 featured Latina leaders who have pursued their dreams while facing adversities.
Velvet was the Night by Silvia Moreno-Garcia #ModernLatinaBookClub
The Modern Latina Book Club members could not put down Mexican Gothic by Silvia Moreno-Garcia. We are so excited to delve into her latest novel, Velvet was the Night. This story is about a daydreaming secretary, a lonesome enforcer, and the mystery of a missing woman they’re both desperate to find. We will begin reading…
Of Women and Salt by Gabriela Garcia #ModernLatinaBookClub
Of Women and Salt the debut novel by Gabriela Garcia is the perfect summer book. The New York Times Bestseller book is about a daughter’s fateful choice, a mother motivated by her own past, and a family legacy that begins in Cuba before either of them were born. Join the Modern Latina Book Club as…