Category: Healthy Living

  • A Community Affair: The Rise of Farmer’s Markets

    A Community Affair: The Rise of Farmer’s Markets

    Local farmer’s markets are a great way to help prevent global warming directly because shipping food comes with a significant ecological and financial cost. The shipment of food produces carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases emitted into the atmosphere making it a major contributor to global warming. In addition to saving our planet, find out…

  • Recipes for the Busy College Student

    Recipes for the Busy College Student

    I Love Trader Joe’s College Cookbook is perfect for the busy college student or anyone else who is looking for affordable, quality and good food recipes. The book is perfect as a gift for a high school graduate or anyone looking for simple recipes.

  • Working Out for Busy Moms

    Working Out for Busy Moms

    Fitness and Lifestyle Coach Angela Zapien owner of The Pink Ladies Boot Camp shares some tips to help busy moms fit in a workout and the best exercises to do in a limited amount of time.

  • Healthy Latina in the City

    Healthy Latina in the City

    Join one Latina’s candid journey to incorporate nutrition and healthy living into her life. Each month will include her personal insights to living a healthy lifestyle with practical tips for busy women.

  • Tips to Pack a Healthy Lunch

    Tips to Pack a Healthy Lunch

    Tips to packaging a healthy lunch so that it is affordable, quick and easy.