Snack Attack
Tips on how to incorporate healthy snacks into your daily routine and learn about some alternative options than grabbing something from the vending machine.
Food Focus: Fruit
The next time you grab a candy bar to satisfy your sweet tooth reach for a fresh fruit option instead. Find out some specific health benefits of adding fruit to your diet.
GUILT. I feel this emotion often in my life. The interesting thing is, a lot of it has to do with my being Latina more than anything else. A poco no?
Zero-Waste Lunch: A Simple Step to Save the Oceans
For many of us, the ocean is sacred and provides us with daily inspiration. An easy way to protect the ocean is to pack a zero-waste lunch, thereby reducing the amount of plastic and waste we produce on a daily basis.
Food Focus: Greens
Courtney Hermann, a health and nutrition coach, shares the health benefits of incorporating leafy greens into your diet and a simple, delicious, 12-minute recipe using super green kale.