Coffee Tasting Experience withMariana Faerron Gutierrez, CEO of Tico Coffee Roasters
When: 10:00 AM PT, Saturday, November 21, 2020
Where: Zoom Call
Mariana Faerron Gutierrez, CEO of Tico Coffee Roasters, will share her passion and love for coffee, and how she turned it into a business. She will open up her business doors to provide a coffee tasting experience featuring the following two coffees, Bella Vista Mayan Women from Chiapas, Mexico and Costa Rica Santa Lucia Patio. You will experience and learn how to taste coffee more in depth, like you do with wine. With information about how coffee is grown, how it is processed, the story of the farmer and the recipe that Mariana uses to brew the coffee, you will be equipped with the tools to enjoy coffee in a new level.
More details on the coffees for the virtual tasting:
- The Bella Vista, Mexico is a fully washed coffee which provides a very clean cup, balanced flavor of chocolate combined with notes of apple and a honey caramel sweetness.
- The Santa Lucia, Costa Rica is a natural processed coffee that has soft flavors of vanilla and chocolate in the cup. Roasted peanuts and concord grapes flavors smoothen the experience. A hint of bittersweet chocolate shines through at the end for a long lasting finish.
We collaborated with Tico Coffee Roasters to create a limited edition Modern Latina 15th Anniversary package that includes a Modern Latina Book Club coffee mug and 2 packages of Tico Coffee Roasters coffee, featuring Bella Vista Mayan Women from Chiapas, Mexico and Costa Rica Santa Lucia Patio. Order by November 17, 2020 in order to receive in time for the event. This limited edition package will be available until the end of December 31, 2020. Click here to purchase.
Mariana Faerron Gutierrez is an international professional from Costa Rica, with experience and extensive knowledge in international business, multicultural backgrounds, personal development, international research. She holds a degree in Agricultural Economics from University of Costa Rica, and a degree in Business Administration.
After spending several years in the micro lending, consumer goods and biotech industries, she moved to the Bay Area to start her current venture, Tico Coffee Roasters based in Campbell, CA. Tico Coffee Roasters is a boutique company that specializes in unique and exclusive coffees and the finest teas from around the world.
Her company has the mission of connecting people with the farmers who work very hard to produce outstanding products. With a strong focus in sustainable/organic products, sustainable and recycling practices in their facility and social involvement in the local community in the Bay Area and overseas, she hopes to contribute to a more just and transparent food system.
Mariana has contributed and donated her time to The Tech Museum of Innovation in San Jose, Global Women Leadership Network to support women development and leadership around the world, and other local non profits (Veggielution, Recovery Cafe San Jose, Team Challenge, The Renaissance Center) working on education, food security and immigrant issues. She invests time on mentoring other women and business owners on entrepreneurship, personal development and career advancement.
She is part of the Board of Directors of Veggielution (The mission of Veggielution is to connect people from diverse backgrounds outdoors through food and farming to build community in East San José), and the Campbell Chamber of Commerce (The Campbell Chamber of Commerce is a member-driven organization and is a Champion, Convener and Catalyst of local businesses)
Mariana loves outdoor activities, traveling, dancing, cooking and coffee!