by Rachel Garcia
Imagine a facial treatment that firms, tones and tightens the skin and muscles in the face and neck but involves no invasive surgery, needles, fillers or injections. Is it the latest facial treatment done in select dermatologist or plastic surgeon offices? Is it the latest in skincare technology that is in a new moisturizer and can now be purchased over-the-counter? Luckily it is a treatment that has no cost, can be done at the convenience of in-home or during relaxing in a hotel room while traveling, and best of all, involves no downtime or scarring from surgical procedures. Facial exercises and facial yoga train and work the facial and neck muscles that are crucial but often overlooked in favor of surgery or expensive products. When done regularly, facial exercises and yoga: prevent and correct wrinkles, slack skin and overall help fight the inevitable pull of gravity. An added bonus is the promotion of micro circulation that increases blood flow to the muscles, thus creating a healthy glow. There are approximately 60 muscles in the face but most people only use a few of them. While the majority of us exercise our bodies regularly to slow down gravity and the clock, facial exercises and yoga truly take the anti-aging process to a new level. Ready to strengthen, tighten and tone and help slow down the clock of aging? Start here with these websites and references that, when done regularly over time, will literally teach you how to keep your chin up.
- Eva Fraser – According to Fraser, she started doing facial exercises in her 50’s; however, she states that there is no exact age to start and the younger the age, the better the results. Her book “Eva Fraser’s Facial Workout” promotes training the facial muscles by exercising for 10 minutes a day, with visible results in approximately 4 weeks. One of her signature exercises is for lifting and firming eyelids: place index fingers below eyebrows, gently lift the brows with fingers and close eyelids, holding for 6 counts. Open eyes and repeat 10 times. Visit her website www.evafraser.com for more exercises and testimonials.
- Namrata Jadwani – a Prosthodontist based in Mumbai, India, Jadwani is an advocate of facial yoga who promotes five signature facial exercises to not only tone and tighten , but help enhance your smile:: “The Marilyn”, “The Surprise Me”, “The Smiling Fish Face”, “The Bumble-Bee” and “The Puppet Face”. For specific and easily integrated daily facial exercises view her YouTube video:
- Don’t neglect the neck and décolleté. Consider the fact that the neck supports the head and is a focal point along with the face. The website http://ageless.co.za/facialneck.htm shows you easy exercises that work and tone this often over-looked but crucial, tell-tale area. One easy exercise that works the jaw and neck muscles is to sit straight, look up at the ceiling and make chewing motions with closed lips (not using your teeth) for 10-20 seconds. Repeat each rep 5 times.
Rachel Ramirez Garcia has written for Modern Latina since 2006, in addition to Carefair.com. Many of her articles reflect her interest and specialty in skin, beauty, and nutrition. Rachel received her Bachelor’s degree in Nutrition from San Jose State University.