by Angela Zapien
Often times we hear that it is NOT possible to get back into shape after having a baby, let alone going through a C-Section. Well, I am here to tell you YOU CAN! As I share my journey I am in hopes that it will inspire you.

My son, Maximus, was born December 21, 2012 – A day that will forever change all aspects of my life. Three days prior he decided to turn around and be faced up; also known as breached. Throughout my whole pregnancy I stayed in shaped, practiced delivery exercises and mentally prepared myself for a natural birth delivery. I now had three days to prepare myself for a C-section. I had experienced fear, anxiety and happiness all at the same time. Talk about a roller coaster of emotions! The best thing that kept me at ease was to not look up C-Section deliveries on the Internet and to remain in faith. Thankfully, the morning of his birth I was relaxed and ready to meet my son. At 8:21am Maximus Lucahas Zapien was born. He was healthy and strong as can be. The most beautiful experience ever. Now, myself on the other hand was an emotional mess. I just kept thinking, “How am I going to move”! Here I was in pretty good shape and now I am laid out on the surgery table with my insides all moved around. I guess you could say I went in shock. I started to get anxiety, started to have fear but all I could hear was my husband voice saying how beautiful he was. Once they left the room I started to ask myself “How was I going to recover?” “Is it possible?”
After two weeks being home I was up and moving. Doing laundry, spending time with Max, breastfeeding and simply adjusting to motherhood. Although I did start to get cabin fever and I wanted to avoid experiencing postpartum depression (I did experience later) I begged my husband to take me on a walk. We walked around the block with Max in his jogging stroller. I remember crying because just months ago I was running a marathon pregnant and here I was limited to just the block! You can say my Strong and Fearless mentality kicked in. By the end of the week I was logging in 2 miles daily. From there I started to focus on building my stamina with pelvic exercises, walking daily, lightweights and yoga. About a month later I was back in the gym lifting weights, taking a yoga class and building my endurance. When I went to see my doctor for clearance she already knew I was active. She just chuckled at me and said: You can start running! From there I went full force.

I did start to feel discomfort in my abdomen area but I knew how to listen to my body. There were times that I would end up in tears because of the things that I couldn’t do. Constantly I had to humble and remind myself that I just had a baby. As time passed I started to see the weight come off. I schedule in my workouts around Max. Even if it meant that I have to wake up at 5:00am. I vowed to not be an out of shape mommy. I needed energy to keep up with him especially during our 2:00am feeding sessions. Of course I have my days where I would rather just not exercise but then I look at my son and get up! NO EXCUSES!
Nine months later I am in the best shape I have ever been. Max and I have completed in multiple running races, I started a Mommy and Me walking group that meets weekly, we have incorporated Paleo eating in our home and I am currently training for my first half marathon post baby.
A few weeks ago I participated in the Color Me Rad 5k with my bootcamp, The Pink Ladies. Last year I participated and I was 6 months pregnant. A year later I ran it again. The only difference now is I am stronger, healthier and happier!
I understand that every woman is different but if we just put that extra effort into our health on a daily basis we can be a “Fit Mama.” Even if you start by walking, cutting out the soda, trips to fast food chains and being inactive. Set small attainable goals, incorporate fruits/veggies, drink more water, get the family involved and make it a lifestyle. Life is meant to be enjoyable. Living for greatness. Creating lasting memories.
It is possible!
Angela Zapien was born and raised in San Jose, CA. She currently resides in South San Jose with her husband Alex and their dog, Latte. She is the Fitness Coach for The Pink Ladies Boot Camp and is both TRX Certified and CPR Certified. Her hobbies include running, scrapbooking, reading, helping others and going to church.