by Natalie Davis Castro
New Year, Better Wardrobe – Here are some tips from our wardrobe stylists:
There are some fashion trends out there that need avoiding but you needn’t steer clear of the more risqué looks, especially if they express the best of your personality. Vamping up your existing look with accessories is the easiest way to update your wardrobe, keeping you looking fresh. From jewelry to shoes, your simple staple pieces can all change completely with the right extras. Sustainable and cost-effective, the LBD can be glammed up with the latest studded boots and silver punk-style jewelry or given the patriotic feel with a bright red blazer and high-top sneakers. Two completely different vibes based around the same central piece.
Be ruthless!
Head to your wardrobe and clear out anything that you haven’t worn in the last six months. Once you’ve put the existing items back, you will be left with much more room for new trends. Learn from your previous style mistakes and be ruthless when re-filling that space. Only purchasing items that you’re 100% sure you like and that suit your personality as well as shape (this is most important). You’ll save loads of money in the long run whilst having a more versatile and gorgeous wardrobe.
With the rest of the items, sort into two piles: thrift shop and re-sell. One person’s trash is another person’s treasure…
Identify your weaknesses
When you go shopping, what do you head for? Many of us have buying habits that are not helpful to say the least. To update your wardrobe, you need to evolve past the fads and invest in more quality items. You don’t need three neon dresses or seven crop tops. These are the type of trends that look dated extremely easily. It’s the same for your staple pieces. Once we’ve found that perfect style of jeans, it can be hard to stop buying them! Always remember that there will be other styles always available and your shape is constantly changing throughout the year.
Update existing garments
Learning a few tricks of the trade means you don’t even have to leave the house to update your wardrobe. For example, that neon dress we were talking about can be adapted into some appropriate for the next season. You could cut the fabric up and add lining to that boring white blouse. This gives it that little lift and makes use out of two items you would have otherwise discarded. Updating the buttons is another way to vamp up tired-looking tops whilst old jeans can be given the chop and changed into high-fashion shorts.
Hold a fashion swap!
Holding a fashion swap party is the perfect way to gain a whole new wardrobe without spending a cent! Of course, it helps if all of your friends are the same size but you can invite friends of friends and swap accessories, bags and shoes too!
Natalie Davis Castro has been in the fashion and beauty industry for the past 15 years from working behind the scenes at fashion shows as a makeup artist in London to designing windows for department stores to now living in San Jose and becoming a personal wardrobe stylist. Natalie has been styling clients with a Silicon Valley based company, Urban Darling for the past 3 years she helps the everyday woman get the wardrobe she deserves, from closet audits to personal shopping sprees. Natalie has a degree in Fashion Promotion from London College of Fashion.