Dr. Josef Castaneda-Liles and Dr. Maria del Socorro Castaneda-Liles from Santa Clara University started an Indegogo campaign to raise funds for their book in process, Portraits of the Dream. A book of portraits and stories of formerly undocumented migrants making impact and creating change.
By focusing on formerly undocumented people, they want to show what has become of what might be considered the “DREAMers” of prior decades. How many potential educators, leaders and innovators are we holding back now due to stalled comprehensive immigration reform? Their book is intended to capture the hearts and minds of people that have not been inclined to support immigration reform, because stories can be an effective tool to inspire empathy and create change. We want our book to contribute to the movement to make comprehensive, compassionate immigration reform a reality because the time for justice is always now.
They are hoping to raise $15,600 and the campaign ends April 7, 2015. To donate to the campaign go to https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/portraits-of-the-dream