Radical Movie Starring Eugenio Derbez is in Theaters Now
Don’t miss the movie “Radical” starring Eugenio Derbez in theaters now! The movie tells the true story of the innovative and inspirational teacher Juárez Correa in who used innovative teaching methods producing spectacular results for an elementary school in Matamoros, Mexico. Check out the trailer here.
Dora and the Lost City of Gold Hits Theaters August 9, 2019
Starring Eugenio Derbez, Eva Longoria and Isabela Moner, Dora and the Lost City of Gold comes to theaters on August 9, 2019. The movie centers around Dora, this time as a teenage explorer, leads her friends on an adventure to save her parents and solve the mystery behind a lost city of gold. Check out…
Modern Latina Talks with Eugenio Derbez #OverboardMovie
Modern Latina talked with the funny and talented Eugenio Derbez about his latest movie Overboard and the importance of his role as a producer to bring more Latino talent to the big screen. Overboard is in theaters on May 4, 2018.