In the Dream House: A Memoir by Carmen Maria Machado #ModernLatinaBookClub
Join the #ModernLatinaBookClub as we read the Dream House: A Memoir by the award-winning author Carmen Maria Machado. In this revolutionary memoir about domestic abuse, Machado recounts an engrossing and wildly innovative account of a relationship gone bad, and a bold dissection of the mechanisms and cultural representations of psychological abuse. Save the date for…
Latinas & Libros Event | March 17, 2020
In collaboration with the SJSU Chicanx/Latinx Student Success Center, we are so excited to bring together local Latina authors, students, and the community at the third Latinas & Libros event on Tuesday, March 17, 2020, at San Jose State University. Join us for an evening to celebrate contributions of Latinas in literature and our Latino…
The Cost of Our Lives by Linda González #ModernLatinaBookClub
This month the #ModernLatinaBookClub will read The Cost of Our Lives by Linda González. In this memoir, Linda explores the multiple layers of her family history as she intertwines the stories of her father’s two families: one known to her, and the one kept secret for much of her life. Join us as we read…
Crux: A Cross-Border Memoir by Jean Guerrero #ModernLatinaBookClub
Join the #ModernLatinaBookClub as we read Crux: A Cross-Border Memoir. In this lyrical, haunting memoir, journalist Jean Guerrero tries to locate the border between truth and fantasy as she searches for explanations for her father’s behavior.
Juana Briones of 19th Century California by Jeanne Farr McDonnell #ModernLatinaBookClub
Join the Modern Latina Book Club this month as we read Juana Briones of 19th Century California by Jeanne Farr McDonnell. This book weaves together both a rich history and biography of an ordinary Afro-mestiza who led an extraordinary life during tumultuous times leading a multifaceted life in her roles as entrepreneur, pioneer, curandera, landowner,…