Tag: The Greenlining Institute Racial Equity Toolkit

  • Social Justice Tools for a Not-So-Post-Racial Era: Californian Approaches on the Cutting-edge

    Social Justice Tools for a Not-So-Post-Racial Era:  Californian Approaches on the Cutting-edge

    Over the last three months, groundbreaking racial and environmental justice tools have been established in order to implement more informed and just public policy. In April, the California Environmental Protection Agency (CalEPA) published a data map, the CalEnviroScreen 1.0, revealing that Latinas/os make up the majority of those living in the most disadvantaged zip codes. In July, The Greenlining Institute (GI) released a Racial Equity Toolkit as a guide for policy-influencers that necessitates collaborating with stakeholders. These cutting-edge tools underscore current systematic discrepancies in the allocation of both beneficial and harmful resources—conflicting with the popular narrative that the U.S. has reached an enlightened post-racial moment of social equality.