Taking it to Another Level
by Tamika Burgess May 3rd of 2011 will always be a significant day to me. It was the day I started my blog. The Essence of Me was started out of a need for expression. Back then I had no real direction for my blog; I didn’t know any other bloggers, didn’t care anything about…
Top 3 Misconceptions of Feminism
There are so many different views about what feminism should be and the reality is there is no rulebook. Article discusses the top 3 misconceptions of feminism.
Why Facebook Annoys Me
Facebook is now so much a part of everyone’s daily social interactions. In this article, our writer shares her experiences with posts that are just T.M.I. (too much information).
Immigration Policy in 2013: Let Our Garden Grow
Our writer focuses on the topic of comprehensive immigration reform – the new, New American Opera.