14 Powerful Photos that show the Unity of Women’s Marches Around the World
Millions across the world joined together in solidarity for the Women’s March on January 20, 2017. One of the biggest marches of the day was in the U.S. In D.C. with estimated attendance was half a million and growing by Saturday afternoon. See some of the most powerful photos.
Why I’m Not Panicking … Yet.
Marcela Davison Avilés shares her reflection after the 2016 election results in her latest Op-Ed essay appropriately titled “Why I’m Not Panicking … Yet.”
Captain Mama’s Surprise/La Sorpresa de Capitán Mamá
In honor of Veterans Day, we are sharing a children’s book review of Captain Mama’s Surprise/La Sorpresa de Capitán Mamá written by veteran entrepreneur Graciela Tiscareño-Sato. She served as an officer in the active duty U.S. Air Force for nearly a decade and she is inspiring children to explore STEM careers like aviation in the…
Modern Latina’s Dress for Success Drive – October 25-29, 2016
Do you have some suits in your closet that don’t fit you anymore? Perhaps you are just looking to update your work look and need to make space? Now you can help another woman enter the workforce by donating any professional work attire as part of Modern Latina’s Dress for Success Drive from October 25-29,…
Monterey Bay Aquarium’s Fiesta del Mar on October 16
Celebrate ocean conservation and Latin American cultural traditions at the annual Fiesta del Mar event on October 16 at the Monterey Bay Aquarium.