Molé Mama; A Memoir of Love, Cooking and Loss by Diana Silva
In her book Molé Mama; A Memoir of Love, Cooking and Loss, Diana Silva shares the intimate journey of her mother’s final thirteen months in this heartfelt love story. Diana cooked heirloom Mexican recipes every weekend while her mother Rose presided from her nearby hospice bed and taste tested her favorite dishes.
Like Water for Chocolate by Laura Esquivel #ModernLatinaBookClub
This month the Modern Latina Book Club features the best-selling novel Like Water for Chocolate by Laura Esquivel. Join the #ModernLatinaBookClub as we read this classic love story.
Modern Latina Talks with Eugenio Derbez #OverboardMovie
Modern Latina talked with the funny and talented Eugenio Derbez about his latest movie Overboard and the importance of his role as a producer to bring more Latino talent to the big screen. Overboard is in theaters on May 4, 2018.
SJSU Opens the Chicanx/Latinx Student Success Center
The new SJSU Chicanx Latinx Student Success Center (CLSSC) opened its doors in January 2018 and is available to help students navigate the college experience at San Jose State University. It’s primary charge: student success. With a population of 26% Latino students at SJSU, the success center is committed and dedicated to retaining, empowering, and…
This Teen Invented Calor, An App That Aims to Keep Farmworkers Safe in Hot Weather
Faith Florez’s grandmother died of heat exhaustion working in the fields, and now she is working to keep this community safe with her app, Calor, to prevent heat exhaustion and heatstroke.