What I Want Now: Abby’s Triangle Pendant
From Girlfriends’ Guide to Divorce, we are loving Abby’s triangle pendant. Check out some of our picks to get the look.
Modern Latina’s 10th Anniversary Commemorative Digital Edition Available
We are excited to release Modern Latina’s 10th Commemorative Anniversary Digital Edition! Check it out!
Tina Aldatz: The Style of Her Success
Meet Modern Latina’s Commemorative 10th Anniversary Edition Featured Latina, Tina Aldatz. Tina is a self-made, successful Latina entrepreneur who founded Foot Petals and is now the CEO of Savvy Travel. She is the author of “From Stilettos to the Stock Exchange,” a compelling and heartwarming personal story of success against all odds.
Telenovela Starring Eva Longoria Premiers January 4, 2015
Check out a sneak preview of the comedy with lots of drama, “Telenovela,” starring Eva Longoria. Be sure to catch the premier on NBC on January 4, 2015, Mondays 8:30/7:30 c.