Our Favorite Family-Friendly Hiking Trails in Northern California
Hiking is such a wonderful way to share the love of the great outdoors with your family while getting in shape. We asked a few of our amigas who are avid hikers to share their favorite local hiking trails in Northern California. Check out the list and a few hiking tips to get you started…
Back to School Ready
I can’t believe it’s already time for back to school. Where did the summer go? This past weekend I went back to school shopping for my girls’ new backpacks, school supplies, clothes and shoes. This year I wanted to give their new teachers a small gift to show our appreciation and welcome them for the…
She’s Got This! by Gold-medal-winning Olympic Gymnast Laurie Hernandez
This is one of my favorite children’s books about chasing your dreams and never giving up. She’s Got This! Written by gold-medal-winning Olympic gymnast and bestselling author Laurie Hernandez tells the story of Zoe, a little girl who dreams of flying—and becoming a gymnast.
Children’s Book Pick: El sándwich de Carla (Spanish Edition)
Looking for a Spanish book to add to your children’s bilingual library? My daughter and I loved El sándwich de Carla / Carla’s Sandwich.