Celebrating Celia Cruz: The First Afro-Latina on a U.S. Quarter
We are so excited that our beloved “Queen of Salsa,” the iconic Cuban-American singer and cultural legend, Celia Cruz, will be featured on the fourth coin of the 2024 American Women Quarters (AWQ) Program. Cruz, known for her vibrant performances and influential music, earned widespread acclaim and numerous accolades throughout her career, including four Latin…
Celebrating World Oceans Day
World Oceans Day is a global day of ocean celebration and collaboration for a better future. Win tickets to the Monterey Bay Aquarium, an organization that celebrates the global ocean every day.
Monterey Bay Aquarium Celebrates Día del Niño
Celebrate children and families at our annual Día del Niño event on Sunday, April 30. Enjoy live Latin music performances, crafts, special bilingual programming and more. Chance to win two adult tickets to the aquarium.
#MottsMovieBonus The Secret Life of Pets
Learn how you can redeem Mott’s® Juices or Mott’s Applesauces to receive a free child’s ticket to see The Secret Life of Pets in theaters soon.
World Oceans Day at the Monterey Bay Aquarium & Giveaway
Celebrate World Oceans Day with the Monterey Bay Aquarium this weekend, June 4-5, 2016. Learn about what you can do to protect our ocean habitat with special programming and activities. Enter Modern Latina’s World Oceans Day Giveaway for a chance to win an eco-friendly bag and reusable water bottle from Monterey Bay Aquarium, along with…