Back to School Chart #FuelForSchool #ad
Tips to get organized for back to school #FuelForSchool with Hillshire Farms & State Fair.
New Pampers Cruisers from #SagToSwag
Learn about the new Pampers Cruisers diapers and the #SagToSwag tour heading to a city near you.
Modern Latina presents Fashion Fights Back – A runway event benefitting Latinas Contra Cancer
Get your tickets for Modern Latina’s 10th Anniversary celebration, “Fashion Fights Back” a runway event benefitting Latinas Contra Cancer on October 1, 2015. It will be an evening of fashion, culture, and community honoring and celebrating breast cancer survivors. Event sponsorship opportunities are still available. Don’t miss out on this amazing and unforgettable event.
The Motivation for Lean In Latinas
Lean In Latinas is a platform of encouragement and support for Latinas in the workplace to achieve higher levels of performance. Modern Latina caught up with the founder Anna Dapelo-Garcia, MPA/HSA to learn more about how this online community embraces and fosters the next generation of Latina workplace leaders.