Little Ms. Independent #HuggiesLatino
One of the biggest challenges about being a parent is to know when to let go and let your child try and do things on their own. Our writer shares an antidote about her little Ms. Independent.
Trendy Denim, Style Yourself Chic
by Sandra Garcia This year, we have seen celebs and everyday fashionistas wearing denim in more ways than one. Denim no longer means just jean pants. Denim Vest are fun pieces that can transform an outfit and denim shirts can add a flair of chic to bottoms like leather skirts, shorts, or denim bottoms. Below…
Social Justice Tools for a Not-So-Post-Racial Era: Californian Approaches on the Cutting-edge
Over the last three months, groundbreaking racial and environmental justice tools have been established in order to implement more informed and just public policy. In April, the California Environmental Protection Agency (CalEPA) published a data map, the CalEnviroScreen 1.0, revealing that Latinas/os make up the majority of those living in the most disadvantaged zip codes.…
Summer Trend Alert: The Asymmetrical Dress
Summer trend alert: asymmetrical dress – check out a few of our favorite looks.