Smithsonian Announces “Latinos and Baseball” Collecting Initiative
The Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History is launching a multiyear collecting initiative, “Latinos and Baseball: In the Barrios and the Big Leagues,” to identify artifacts that reflect the social and cultural influence of the game on Latino communities. Three 2016 events in California and New York will reach out to local communities about preserving…
No Más Bebés Premieres February 1, 2016
No Más Bebés tells the story of a little-known but landmark event in reproductive justice, when a small group of Mexican immigrant women sued county doctors, the state, and the U.S. government after they were sterilized while giving birth at Los Angeles County-USC Medical Center during the late 1960s and early 1970s. Documentary premiers on…
Healthy Desk Makeover #V8LlenodeSabor
V8 V-Fusion® is 100% juice and for an 8oz glass serving it has ½ cup fruit and/or vegetables making it an easy, healthy addition to your daily routine. #V8LlenodeSabor
America Ferrera Stars in Superstore
America Ferrera stars in Superstore, a new comedy airing Monday nights on NBC.
What I Learned From 10 Years of Blogging
Founder of Modern Latina, Linda Castillo shares the top 6 things she has learned from 10 years of blogging.