DREAMer’s Roadmap App
DREAMers Roadmap App provides an invaluable tool to equip undocumented Dreamers to realize their path to college.
2016 ELLA Class
Event recap of Silicon Valley Latina Coalition membership mixer. On April 7, 2016 at the San Jose Woman’s Club.
Financial Challenge Twitter Party April 5, 2016
April is financial literacy month and as part of last month’s Modern Latina’s #LoveYourLife Challenge: Your Path to Financial Security, we have teamed up with Mi Dinero Mi Futuro to host the The Latina Financial Challenge Twitter Party. Ramona Ortega is a former corporate lawyer and founder of My Money My Future will be sharing…
Make Sure YOU Run the Day
Arie Rose is finishing up a B.A Degree from SJSU, the co-host of Bay Area local show “Al Dia Con Leticia Mendoza” and most importantly a mother, she shares how she makes sure she runs the day.
Your Path to Financial Security #LoveYourLife
Ramona Ortega, CEO and Founder of midineromifuturo.com shares a #LoveYourLife challenge that will get you on the right path to financial security.