Taking it to Another Level
by Tamika Burgess May 3rd of 2011 will always be a significant day to me. It was the day I started my blog. The Essence of Me was started out of a need for expression. Back then I had no real direction for my blog; I didn’t know any other bloggers, didn’t care anything about…
Fúchila Fresheners Launches Online Store After Successful Kickstarter Campaign
Ruben Dario Villa, a former Apple designer and San Jose artist announces the launch of www.fuchilafresheners.com, a website for Chicano/Latino pop-culture inspired line of air fresheners — Fúchila Fresheners.
Michele Serros a Loss to the Latino Literary Community
A sad loss for the Latino literary community, Michele Serros passes away at 48.
Spare Parts in Theaters 1/16/15
Spare Parts hits theaters January 16, 2015. Movie is based on a true story staring George Lopez.
Tried & Tested: Secret Extensions
Looking to change your hair look or add volume and length to your hair? Check out our beauty guru’s review of the new Secret Extensions by Daisy Fuentes.