Creating an Altar to Remember Loved Ones
Alters are built during Día de los Muertos to honor the lives of those who have passed. Altars are structures with offerings that are made for personal beliefs purposes that can range from religious to spiritual. Here are some tips to get you started to create an altar at your home.
Event Calendar November 2014
Looking for something to do this month, check out Modern Latina’s event calendar for November 2014. If you want to submit an art and community events, business, or entertainment event, please send submission to editor@modernlatina.com.
Latina Success Network’s Entrepreneur Summit
Latina Success Network has partnered with Intuit, maker of innovative services for entrepreneurs, to host a complimentary Latina Entrepreneur Summit event for current or aspiring Latina entrepreneurs on November 7 at the Intuit Mountain View campus. Attendees will enjoy a day full of exchange of ideas, best practices, introduction to new products/services, lessons learned and…
Meet Mompreneur Laura Fuentes
October marks the celebration of National Women’s Small Business Month and we are excited to feature entrepreneur, Laura Fuentes creator of MOMables™.